Guerilla marketing is a way to drive publicity and, as a result, brand awareness by promoting using unconventional methods designed to evoke surprise, wonder, or shock. One of the goals of this interaction is to cause an emotional reaction in the clients, and the ultimate goal of marketing is to get people to remember products or brands in a different way than they are accustomed to



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Product photography uses specific techniques to showcases products in an attractive way and entice potential buyers to purchase specific products.
Product photography is an essential part of both online and offline advertising for successful catalogues, brochures, magazine ads, billboards, online ads and company websites, specifically when selling products direct to consumer. Images shape their first impression, creating a tipping point as to whether they will continue browsing and eventually make a purchase.

Model : Mary Hyrno- Czech Republic MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Mary Hyrno- Czech Republic MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Andrea - Hungary MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Mary Hyrno- Czech Republic MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Mary Hyrno- Czech Republic MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Mary Hyrno- Czech Republic MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Andrea - Hungary MUA : Makeoverloft

Model : Andrea - Hungary MUA : Makeoverloft